“Festival Of the Elves: The Magic Around You” tells the adventures of the two young elves plunged into the human world on a twinkly, swirly, snowy night. Their mission? To share a beloved elf tradition and make the month of December more magical and joyous for humans, one elf note at a time. But will their magic meter register enough magic to get them home?!
Great for ages 3 - 12
Great for ages 3 - 12
"Amazing! I absolutely love it. Thank you so much for such a thoughtful and fun reading. Everything about it is perfect. The narration the sound effect and visuals.
I cant express how appreciative I am of your generosity to create the video."
-Angeli (Author)
I cant express how appreciative I am of your generosity to create the video."
-Angeli (Author)
Start your own Festival of the Elves family tradition this Christmas!
Sign-up and get free Elf Notes to help you along the way!
Visit FestivaloftheElves.com
Sign-up and get free Elf Notes to help you along the way!
Visit FestivaloftheElves.com